The list of events or losses that a pregnant person can grieve while pregnant can be longer than one would expect. Some are obvious, the loss of a loved one or mourning a pregnancy lost prior to the current health one. Others are hidden and might not be fully realized by the pregnant person. They may be mourning the loss of a home or job, they might be re-mourning the loss of a loved one they thought they had fully moved past... or even mourning the loss of who they were before becoming a parent.
This training will help doulas understand more about the process of grieving and the many forms it may take. We also will explore the impact of grief and external stressors physically on a pregnant body and fetus, including societal and medical microaggressions and racism under what is known as the "allostatic load".
We will also explore the types of pregnancy loss and terminations so they can be prepare to support clients if and when this decision arises. This is an inclusive class that functions with the ideology that terminations and abortions are a healthcare right.
During this Grief & Loss classes, people may express views that differ to yours, especially regarding pregnancy termination and we strive to allow space for that. You will not be asked or directed to support any client who's choice goes against your beliefs, nor will you be shamed for opting in or out of the role of a Full Spectrum Doula. If one class participant directly offends another, there will be one warning given and if it's repeated, that participant will be removed from the classroom.
This training will help doulas understand more about the process of grieving and the many forms it may take. We also will explore the impact of grief and external stressors physically on a pregnant body and fetus, including societal and medical microaggressions and racism under what is known as the "allostatic load".
We will also explore the types of pregnancy loss and terminations so they can be prepare to support clients if and when this decision arises. This is an inclusive class that functions with the ideology that terminations and abortions are a healthcare right.
During this Grief & Loss classes, people may express views that differ to yours, especially regarding pregnancy termination and we strive to allow space for that. You will not be asked or directed to support any client who's choice goes against your beliefs, nor will you be shamed for opting in or out of the role of a Full Spectrum Doula. If one class participant directly offends another, there will be one warning given and if it's repeated, that participant will be removed from the classroom.